Friday, September 30, 2016

Tired of Tec

I think I'm done with tecfidera.  Ocrelizumab seems to have at least a name from the feds,  so approval looks imminent if not already done. I'm ludicrously exhausted. Honestly,  I give tecfidera credit for weight loss,  but I'm just hammered with fatigue, limping, cog-fogged... Really,  maybe I just improved because of the steroids when I relapsed. I feel like crud, unusually so.

I have no idea of it's working.  My neuro is happy I'm not on crutches now due to weak legs, but they sure tire fast! After all,  I work primarily with my brain,  not my feet, so I am more worried about cog problems than limping or not.

I'm not sure what else to do about the fatigue--already use adderall to stay awake, but it's not enough lately.

I don't want my bday to dawn when I feel this way,  and it is RIGHT around the corner!  Ugh, ugh, and damn.